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Electromagnetic Pulse: The Newest Feared Weapon Of Our Digital Age?

Electromagnetic Pulse Blast

When it comes to electromagnetic pulse, many people link it to a nuclear bomb going off. But this kind of weapon does not have to be linked to a nuclear bomb to be just as ravaging.

Using today’s innovation, weapons utilizing a force of electromagnetic pulse are in existence. This means that a nation can experience the fallout from a nuclear bomb – however without ever having actually been hit with a nuclear bomb all because of the power of the shock wave.

Every nation is susceptible to this hazard. Lots of nations have the innovation that enables them to strike versus their opponents – and like all weapons, the capacity for a friendly fire accident is also possible.

Devices that contain the capability to produce an electromagnetic pulse have the capability to entirely damage electrical systems. Given that numerous things today rely on electrical systems, this could virtually paralyze any city, state, or nation.

What Happens When An Electromagnetic Pulse Attack Occurs?

When the pulse hits, any airliners might literally fall from the sky. Power grids will crash. Anything that relies on electricity will unexpectedly and without warning cease to work.

That means that you can’t go to the ATM and withdraw cash. You can’t walk into the bank and draw it from your accounts, either. Elevators will not work. Trains won’t work. Individuals will become stuck in place.

You can line up at the gas pumps if your motor vehicle’s electrical system isn’t fried, however you won’t have the ability to get a single drop of fuel. You can go to the grocery store, however the registers won’t work.

The traffic signals will all go dark. You won’t have any lights on in your home. No heat. No central air conditioning. Your town would go dark. When that takes place, civilization stops. You can bet that folks will come out of the woodwork in an attempt to take the stuff they need to make it through.

And naturally, others will also come – the types of people who like to take advantage of disasters. You need to be able to survive an electromagnetic pulse before one ever strikes. To do this, make sure you’re not depending on a source of electricity.

So, What Can You Do To Prepare For An EMP Strike?

Have a solar powered radio, along with flashlights. Have a way to keep warm. In the event you don’t have a fireplace and a stockpile of wood, have a reserve of Mylar blankets reserved for emergency situations.

Have a way to evaluate your water and the soil for radiation. Keep fuel hidden away so that if your vehicle does work, you can bug out if your area was one that was hard hit. Keep your motor vehicle loaded with emergency materials so that if an electromagnetic pulse hits your location while you’re far from home, you’ll have the ability to survive for 72 hours till you can turn to your official long-term survival strategy.

What do you think?

Written by Survivalist Devil Dog

Brian Blanc, a.k.a. "Devil Dog", has been a proud survivalist for several years, always working to research and implement the best ways to prepare for any situation. He created this blog to share his knowledge as well as that he has found from other experts.

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